9 Gentle Seated Yoga Poses For Beginners


Most seated yoga postures are suitable for beginner students, as the majority are easily adapted to any level of strength or flexibility. Sitting on the floor also provides a position of stability, which facilitates opening the body.

I've put together 9 gentle seated poses that are most commonly used and vital for beginners. I've even arranged them in order of a sequence/flow so you could use this as a practice on it's own! Be present as you connect with your breath, watch your thoughts and observe the sensations that arise.


1.     Seated Side Bend (Parsva Sukhasana)

  • Start in Easy Pose, by sitting on the mat with your sit-bones on the ground. Cross your shins parallel to the mat and lengthen your spine by pushing your sit bones into the ground and creating length through the crown of your head.

  • Place your right hand on the floor with your elbow slightly bent or straight.

  • Inhale as you reach your left arm up and overhead. Exhale as you lean to the right side.

  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, switch sides and repeat.

* Tip: Keep the hips grounded, and as you lean your torso to the right, pull your rib cage to the left.


2.     Seated Spinal Twist (Parivrtta Sukhasana)

  • Start in Easy Pose with your back straight and arms relaxed. Inhale here.

  • As you exhale, place your right hand on the left knee and twist your torso to the left.

  • Keep your shoulders and neck relaxed, soften the belly and lift the sternum to lengthen the torso.

  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, switch sides and repeat.

* Tip: Draw your tailbone toward the floor and keep the lower back long.


3.     Head To Knee Forward Bend Pose (Janu Sirsasana)

  • Sit on the floor with your feet together and your legs extended.

  • Bend your right knee and bring the sole of your right foot close to your left thigh.

  • Exhale as you hinge at the hips, slowly lower your torso and reach for your left foot.

  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then switch sides.

* Tip: Keep your spine long, lower and lengthen your torso until your chest and belly touch the thigh, and feel the stretch in the back of the extended leg. Lengthen through the spine as you inhale and, deepen the stretch as you exhale.


4.     Bound Angle Pose or Butterfly (Baddha Konasana)

  • Sit on the floor, bend your knees, press the soles of your feet together and drop your knees out to the sides.

  • Inhale to lengthen your torso, growing tall through the crown of your head. Grasp the tops of your feet with your hands, pressing the thumbs against the soles of your feet.

  • Hold the pose for 1 - 2 minutes.

* Tip: Bring your heels close to your pelvis, press the hips down, lengthen your spine, drop the shoulders down and back and open your chest. Option to fold forward for a passive stretch in the hips.


5.     Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold (Upavistha Konasana)

  • Begin seated in Staff Pose with a tall spine and your legs extended straight out in front of you.

  • Take your legs as wide as is comfortable, keeping the feet flexed and active so that the inner legs don’t collapse inwards.

  • Place your hands on the ground in front of you as you maintain length in the spine, keep your shoulders relaxed and your chest lifted. Inhale here.

  • As you exhale, slowly begin to walk your fingertips forward until you find an edge that feels appropriate for your body.

  • Hold the pose for 1 - 2 minutes.

* Tip: Keep the kneecaps pointing straight up toward the ceiling, with your heels rooting firmly into the ground. In your forward fold, if it feels comfortable, you can come down onto your forearms, or take your torso down onto the ground between your legs.

6.    Half Lord Of The Fishes - Version A (Ardha Matsyendrasana A)

  • Begin in Easy Pose, extend the right leg straight out in front of you, bend the left leg (or cross the left leg over the right), placing the left foot flat on the floor close to the right knee.

  • Place the left hand directly behind you. Wrap the right arm around the left knee and pull the knee in towards your chest. Press down through your hips and up through the crown of your head to lengthen the spine.

  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then switch sides.

* Tip: As you inhale press the hips down and reach the crown up to lengthen the spine. As you exhale use the arms to gently deepen the twist. Relax the shoulders down and press the chest open.

7.     Reclined Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotasana)

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Cross your left ankle over your right thigh with an inhale. 

  • Thread your left arm through your legs and interlace your hands behind your right thigh. Draw your thigh toward you with an exhale. Relax the shoulders and arms. Flex your feet.

  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then switch sides.

* Tip: Make sure you keep both hips pressed into the ground and distribute the weight evenly between both sides.


8.     Reclined Cow - Face Pose (Supta Gomukhasana)

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent.

  • Stack your left knee over your right knee, winging your feet out to the sides slightly. Gently lift your right foot up off of the ground.

  • Take hold of the outer edge of your right foot with your left hand and the outer edge of your left foot with your right hand.

  • Gently press your knees away from chest and relax shoulders to the floor.

  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then switch sides.

* Tip: The more you bend your elbows towards the ground and flex your feet, the deeper you will get into the pose.


9.     Final Resting Pose (Savasana)

  • Lie down flat on your back face up, separating your legs and letting the fleet splay apart. Place your arms alongside your body, palms facing up.

  • Close your eyes and relax. Release any tension from your body.

  • Take a couple of big deep breaths, lengthening your spine as you exhale.

  • Stay here for at least 2 minutes.

* Tip: Mentally scan your body from head to toe to help release any last bit of tension.

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